In Tunis, about 70 persons from Africa and the Middle East participated in the regional workshop on the new OIE-World Animal Health Information System (OIE-WAHIS) for Animal Disease Notification Focal Points. This training allowed us to explain the new functions of the new OIE-WAHIS system and clarify the role and responsibilities of the OIE Focal Points for Animal Disease Notification to ensure immediate reporting of animal disease outbreaks (terrestrial and aquatic) and facilitate consistency and harmonisation amongst OIE Members.
In particular, the workshop aimed at improving the understanding of the reporting requirements and the nature of the information to better report animal diseases and sanitary events to the OIE using the WAHIS online internet application.
The workshop allowed participants to run practical exercises on the new OIE-WAHIS system concerning immediate notification, follow-up reports, and six-monthly reports. The new OIE-WAHIS system will be operational in 2020 and participants welcomed and appreciated the new system and related interface.
The opening ceremony of the workshop. Picture © A. Ripani (OIE) 2020
The workshop was officially opened by Mr. Boubaker Karray, Head of the Cabinet of the Minister of Agriculture of Tunisia, Dr. Rachid Bouguedour, the OIE Sub Regional Representative for North Africa, Dr. Peter Melens from OIE Headquarter. The opening was also attended by Dr. Malek Zrelli, Chief Veterinary Officer of Tunisia and OIE Delegate.